1. Remedial Coaching: Each department in the college identifies its weak students or slow learners by their past performance in Continuous assessment tests or the university exams. These students are made to attend Remedial Coaching Classes conducted after the usual college hours. The coaching is run under the supervision of the Equity Cell Of the College. 

2. The Language Lab: The College has a language lab funded initially by UGC and upgraded by RUSA. The language Lab is used under the supervision of the Department Of English. Spoken English and Communication skills classes are held once in every year. It is a an important means of teaching Phonetics to the students of the Second semester, English core.

3. Soft Skill Development : The college runs computer classes in collaboration with NIELIT offering a CCC course in the computer lab inside the college campus.

4. Meditation: The college routine or time table allots a period for meditation and teaching of moral/spiritual values to the Evangelical Union of the college on every Wednesday from 2.45 PM to 4.15 PM. A prayer/meditation service is held for all students and staff who are interested.

5. Personal Counselling:  The College is fortunate to have an alumnus, Mr. Lalnunngheta, MSW, who is serving as the para legal volunteer under State Legal Services Authority. He comes every Tuesday and Friday to the college campus to give counseling  regarding mental and emotional health to whoever is in need. The College also has a Legal Aid Cell where all legal queries are entertained by Ms Lalrinnungi Sailo, LLB (Advocate).  She Is also an alumnus. The Legal Aid Cell is open to the residents of the locality where the college is situated (ie, Republic Vengthlang) all free of cost.