Students Union Leader Election 2014 was held in the College on 25.7.20-14. The Returning Officer, Dr Benjamin Ralte declared the following students elected in the post mentioned against their names:

1. Vice president : Lalremruata Fanai, V Semester

2. General Secretary : B. Lalrohlua, V Semester
Asst. Gen Secretary : Zomuanpuia, III Semester

3. Debating Secretary : Albert Vanlalchhanzuala, III Semester
Asst. Debating Secretary : Lalngaihawmi Ralte, V Semester

4. Common Room Secretary : Lalmuanawma, V Semester
Asst. Common Room Secretary : V.L. Muansanga, I Semester

5. Magazine Editor : Ramngheta zathang, V Semester
Asst. Magazine Editor : Lalduhzuala Pautu, III Semester

6. Social & Cultural Secretary : C Lalthlamuana, V Semester
Asst Social & Cultural Secretary : Lalnunpuia, V Semester

7. Games & Sports Secretary : Thuamrodinga, V Semester
Asst Games & Sports Secretary : Marcos H Lalmuanpuia, III Semester